Mailing Lists
Help all your sites and your business as a whole, by discovering how to take advantage of mailing lists.
With a mailing list, you will be able to send one and the same email message to separate recipients at the same time. The mailing list is a collection of their email addresses, so when you send out one single message to the mailing list’s email address, – for example, it’ll be forwarded automatically to all the subscribers momentarily. Normally, people have to join such a mailing list, but occasionally email addresses can be added manually too, depending on the software app that is used to administer the mailing list. You can use the mailing list feature to contact potential or current clients and to send them notifications, brand new offerings and other types of information on a regular basis. This will prove your desire to stay in touch with them and will increase the reputation of your web site.
Mailing Lists in Cloud Hosting
Every Linux cloud hosting that we’re offering will permit you to set up multiple electronic mailing lists and to administer them without any effort. You can choose the email address which will be associated with the mailing list and that will be used to send out emails. You can select an administrator e-mail address and password as well. The Majordomo mailing list management software app that we use has quite a few attributes, so you can authorize or remove mailing list subscribers, view a list of all active users, and so on. You’ll be able to receive a full list of all currently available commands and functions if you send an email message to with the word "help" in the message body. Adding or removing a mailing list is just as easy and requires just a few clicks in the Email Manager part of the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel.